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  8 am - 4 pm

  8 am - 4 pm

Our Daily Program

“We teach with intention, observe with reflection, and provide children with opportunities to explore and connect with their natural environment and range of resources and activities throughout their day.”

Our daily program focuses on the needs and interests of the children and values the uniqueness of every child. By tapping into the personal interests of the children, they are motivated to learn and to extend their thinking. Our daily routine is carefully planned to provide a balance of learning experiences for each child, including indoor and outdoor, quiet and active, individual, small and large group experiences. This enables us to really personalise activities and routines during the day.

The program provides opportunities to support children's intellectual, language, gross motor, social and emotional development. A play-based curriculum meets individual needs, through enquiry, exploration, problem solving and research. The Educators role is to facilitate and extend each child's interests and teach with goals in mind.

Our day at Kindy is structured, so children feel prepared and secure with what will happen in their day.

8:00 - 10:00 am Indoor/outdoor play
10:00 Gather for group time - songs
10:15 Morning tea
10:45 Indoor/outdoor play
12:20 Pack away
12.25pm Group Time- Songs, music and movement and Stories
12:45 Lunch all together
1:15- 1:45pm Quiet/ Mindfulness Time
1:45 - 3:00 pm Undercover Outdoor play
3:00 - 3:30 pm Fruit break and story time inside
3:30 - 4:00 pm Afternoon group time- Reading Circle

We at Terrey Hills Community Kindergarten thank the Garigal people of the Eora nation for letting us share their land.

Australian flag
Australian Aboriginal flag
Torres Strait Islander flag

Terrey Hills Community Kindergarten
Yulong Ave Terrey Hills NSW 2084
  Map & Directions

  02 9450 1039
  8 am - 4 pm

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