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  8 am - 4 pm

  8 am - 4 pm

Our Goals

  • To provide a warm, caring and positive environment for all involved in the Kindergarten. This ensures that the children are able to develop to their fullest potential at their own pace and gain independence and positive self-esteem.

  • To offer programs that recognise the uniqueness of each child. We aim to provide positive encouragement for the child's continued growth, enabling them to be actively involved in the learning process.

  • To encourage positive interactions among the children fostering social, emotional, physical and intellectual development.

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  • To embrace the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) and create a sense of Belonging, Being and Becoming for each child.

  • To use EYLF with families, and develop programs responsive to children's ideas, interests, strengths and abilities and recognise that children learn both through their play and intentional teaching by Early Childhood Educators.

  • To encourage children to express themselves, communicate and listen to others and to make decisions and accept consequences.

  • To encourage children to learn and develop in different ways and at different rates and acknowledge that all areas of learning and development are equally important and interconnected.

  • To encourage parents to participate in the Kindergarten according to their interests and opportunities.

  • To promote an anti-bias curriculum which values the uniqueness of each child, acknowledging their gender, culture, religion, language and family diversity.

  • To provide for children with additional needs and integrate professional services to support children and families.

  • For the children to become aware of their local community and the facilities that exist so they feel confident and at ease when venturing forth.

  • To prepare children for school by offering the opportunities that allow them to transit to school with ease.

  • To build secure relationships with families and the community and work together to enhance a child's learning and wellbeing.

  • To employ staff who possess a knowledge of emotional and developmental needs of children and who further their knowledge through professional development.

  • To provide good working conditions for the staff and to encourage teamwork.

  • To provide a safe and healthy environment for both children and adults.

  • To educate children regarding health, safety and good nutrition.

  • For the Management Committee, staff and parents / families to work together and keep communication open.

  • To regularly evaluate our programs to ensure that they meet the needs of the children, families and staff so that a high quality of service can be maintained to meet National Quality Standards.

We at Terrey Hills Community Kindergarten thank the Garigal people of the Eora nation for letting us share their land.

Australian flag
Australian Aboriginal flag
Torres Strait Islander flag

Terrey Hills Community Kindergarten
Yulong Ave Terrey Hills NSW 2084
  Map & Directions

  02 9450 1039
  8 am - 4 pm

© 2010- Terrey Hills Community Kindergarten | Privacy Policy | Website design: WebInjection